• Order for modifying drugs submitted for renewal for Sidr system


    The EastChamber present itscompliments, this is to inform you that we received a letter from theCouncil of Saudi Chambersnumber(ل.و/ي د/ 844) dated(03/14/1436)andreferreditto theletterfrom the  Executive Vice Presidentof the GazamedicineGeneral Authority forFood and Drugnumber(8301/ع) dated(08/03/1436e)andincludedthe possibility of submittingthe request to amendthedrugssubmittedfor renewalacrossSidrsystemwiththe need to adhereto the provisions ofthe toolkitfor recording(n4)andcircular(updateproceduresand requirements ofthe amendments to thehumanmedicinesand herbalhealthand lotions)number(21 797/ع)on(05/24/1435).
    For more information,you cancommunicate with theadministrationplanningaffairssectorDrugAuthority.​

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